Specific objectives

The main objective of the Project is the development of a prototype of an information system (SI) that i) monitors and evaluates real-time stress indicators of an individual without requiring their explicit interaction, ii) predicts chronic stress, that is, when excessive or prolonged levels of stress cause cumulative effects and limit the individual's ability to recover, and iii) alert to high stress levels or unfavorable stress recovery patterns that anticipate chronic stress, enabling timely intervention to prevent consequences to long term.

  • SO1: Identify and understand the critical success factors Replica Omega Seamaster (at the user level) for the implementation of an information system for the monitoring, evaluation, prediction (continuous and real time) stress levels of individuals performing professions / activities High-risk / high-demand / high-impact, in particular in High-Reliability Organizations);
  • SO2: Identify and evaluate methods (and devices) that allow to collect continuously and in real time, without the explicit interaction of the individual, information on biometric data that allow to assess their stress levels;
  • SO3: Design and detail the functional architecture of an information system for the continuous and real-time monitoring and evaluation of stress levels of individuals that take into account the critical success factors identified;
  • SO4: Develop the technological components of the IS, in the first phase, those that will allow to gather the necessary data to develop the intelligent models / algorithms that, later, will give origin to new components that will allow to create the final IS.
  • SO5: Develop and optimize intelligent models / algorithms, adjustable to the individual's individual stress characteristics (considering his / her type of stress profile and their baseline levels of stress and reaction and stress recovery) that allow a) Continuous evaluation of stress levels without explicit interaction of the individual, b) prediction of chronic stress, and c) the issuance of alerts in the event of excessive levels in daily life or in the face of chronic stress;
  • SO6: Develop, implement and evaluate a prototype of the information system with medical students from the University of Minho, as models of highly demanding / risk / impact occupations / professions subject to excessive / prolonged levels of stress (Reflecting the prevalence of stress-related problems in medicine);
  • SO7: Disseminate the scientific and technical achievements achieved in at least 2 internationally relevant conferences / congresses and fairs and at least one scientific / technical journal with a high impact factor.