Minho University

Investigation and understanding of the critical success factors in the implementation of a stress level assessment system based on biometric data, namely identifying the relevant biometric parameters for the system. Technological development in the area of motion sensors.

Nuno Sousa (46 years-old, MD, PhD)
is Full Professor at the School of Health Science, University of Minho. He is the Director of the Medical Degree at University of Minho. He serves at several medical education and medical assessment advisory boards (NBME, EuroBMA). He is a NeuroRadiologist. Presently, he is the Director of the Clinical Academic Center at Hospital de Braga.
He is the Coordinator of the Neuroscience Research Domain at ICVS/University of Minho. His research main interests are focused in the establishment of functional and structural correlations mediated by stress and its implications in neuropsychiatric disorders. Detailed assessment of neuroplastic events, incorporation of newly generated cells into neuronal networks, rearrangements of established dendritic and synaptic contacts, combined with behavioural, neurochemical and electrophysiogical, optogenetic and molecular biology and (epi)genetics correlates have been established in his laboratory; the work from the lab covers from basic to clinical research and several modulatory interventions have also been described in order to promote recovery of structure and function in neuronal tissues.

José Miguel Pêgo
is an Anesthesiologist and an Associate Professor at the School of Medicine, Braga, Portugal. He is also part of the Neurosciences Research Domain at Life and Health Sciences Research Institute, Braga, Portugal. He is mainly interested in the effects of chronic stress in emotional behavior and understanding the underlying mechanisms. He teaches Pharmacology, Anesthesiology, Critical Care. He is responsible for the simulation training at the Clinical Skills Lab at School of Medicine. He is also interested in the cognitive skills assessment process. He is certified by the National Board of Medical Examiners in the Foundations of Assessment in Medical Education (FAME) course and a member of the European Board of Medical Assessors. He is the founder and CEO of iCognitus, a spin-off company that specializes in written assessment software (medQuizz).

Patrício Costa
is Assistant Professor of Biostatistics at the School of Medicine, University of Minho and of Research Methodologies and Statistics at the Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences of the University of Porto.
He is also coordinator of DOMP, SA Statistics Department, an opinion and market research company.
His research interests are mainly on empathy, leader effects, political behaviour and ageing. He has reviewed and has published papers in several international journals of education, marketing, political science and neurosciences.
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